The Canadian Diamond Drilling Association is proud to announce our newest CDDA Member Corexplore Drilling Services.
With over 150 years of management and drilling experience, and a fleet of powerful, clean tech drills, Corexplore is ready to provide safe and productive drilling to your projects.
Corexplore specializes in providing innovative drilling solutions to help you achieve your program goals.
They take a partnership approach and focus on safety, efficiency, and precision to deliver top-quality results.
They have the expertise, technology, and equipment to tackle any project no matter how complex or challenging. They pride themselves on their commitment to customer satisfaction and delivering on their promises.
Corexplore is located in Ontario Canada and offers a comprehensive range of drilling services to meet the needs of their clients in the mineral exploration, development and mining industries.
Welcome to the CDDA Corexplore Drilling Services and thanks for your support of our association!
Visit their website today to learn more about their services:
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